After “patching up” with scopolamine imported from New Zealand some months prior to the trip, I forced myself onto the boat. And yes, I was shaking like a leaf.
Went and found room 213 with room mate Meredith. Single beds either side of the cabin and our own en-suite, wow, pretty flash! We reached agreement that the heater in the room should stay off given the stuffy environment on-board. Two travel calms popped before we headed out into the Beagle Channel. Nerves starting to recede.

Rules and inductions in the main lounge of the boat, which apparently is actually a ship, although I still insist that ships “wreck” and boats “float” so I shall continue to refer to the vessel as the latter. The life boat drill was mandatory, obviously, and we got to sit inside one to make us feel really hopeful that we would never have to use them.
Lots of photos leaving the port, more briefings, dinner and bed.

Sleeping was somewhat interesting, rolling from side to side once out of the Beagle. Creaking walls, clunking bed and rattling doors. Great. But no sea-sickness! Yet?