
Happy Birthday Callum, have an Earthquake!

So it’s the third tremor I’ve felt while living in Darwin, almost 1 year now.  Apparently there was one last night as well, around dinner time.  That one I did not feel but perhaps I was busy, plus the tele was on, plus I’d had wine… My bed shook at 5.46 this morning and something dropped on the floor in the apartment above me.  Scared the proverbial …. out of me.  Once I was awake enough to realise what it was (not Ian slamming the front door on his way to the airport) I rode the waves out in bed, quite calmly.  I really enjoy such an experience, probably because I know exactly what’s happening, geologically speaking.  I always try to focus for as long as possible to feel every wobble-cluster afterwards as they become gentler and fade away. The ABC was quick to report this one, probably because it…