December 1, 2016. Whoa. Hold up there… I cried on the first night, that’s just not on! There was massive excitement in the hotel before the inaugural HB dinner. We all walked over to a neighbouring hotel (in the rain) to a function room with a fantastic view over Ushuaia. After intros by the faculty, the film team etc we were given instruction to record a 10 second video to our ‘terminally ill mothers’ and then post it with #mothernaturesdaughters and #homewardbound16 on every social media site we normally use. There was wifi in the hotel but obviously it wasn’t coping with the overload of some 80-odd phones trying to access the net all at once, so this turned out quite convenient. So, somewhat bewildered, Jen and I recorded each other’s videos. Mine was hopeless as I was a little lost for words and was particularly annoyed at this seeming high-jacking/exploitation of my relationship with my…
Tag: #homewardbound16
Sales pitch video for Homeward Bound

For those interested in viewing my sales pitch video that scored me a ticket to ride the boat to Antarctica…