Released for National Science Week 2020: Some comments from myself as The Wombats premier today: The Wombats have been a work in progress, at least within my mind, since my Homeward Bound voyage. It took until losing my job working as a geologist when coronavirus hit for me to finally put pen to paper or rather, s-pen to tablet, to do something about my creative urges. To use wombats to tell my stories became a no-brainer for me after my dad died in 2017 – they were his favourite animal and, of course, live underground where all geologists live in a virtual sense. My dad was one of my biggest fans while I was fund-raising for HB16, to the point of embarrassment at times but his relentless enthusiasm taught me it’s ok to be proud of my achievements. My Homeward Bound sisters in 2016 witnessed my awakening to my…
The Wombats of Wollombi Episode 1 – Bones from nowhere.