Wow, what a fantastic result from a great night at Maitland Gaol, last Friday. The total raised from the event was over $3900! This has certainly paid for the expense of travelling to Argentina to board the boat.
All thirteen of the auction items were sold as detailed in the following picture.
Many thanks to Carolyn and the Blackbird Bakery team for catering the event and to Michael K for his auctioneering. Clearly Michael and I made a good sales team for the auction, and Linda H and Jen H did a great job on the non-auction sales table!
My house feels empty without all the beautiful items I had been storing for months but I know their new owners will enjoy them just as much as I have. Another massive BIG thankyou to all the artists who contributed their fabulous works for my event: Julie Lau, Lynne Banwell, Roslyn Budd, Graham Wilson, Katie Corbin and my wonderful mum, Beth Lucas.
Here’s some more pictures from the night, courtesy of IanH, Linda Harwood and Rebecca Jackson.